
fine weather Learn more about fine weather

  • Sunny and fine weather in the north is conducive to speeding up the progress of wheat harvest

    Sunny and fine weather in the north is conducive to speeding up the progress of wheat harvest

    The wheat harvest has been advanced from southwest to north to the north of Henan and southern Shandong. The whole country has harvested 4.5% of winter wheat, and the northern winter wheat is in the most exciting part of the harvest. From June 5 to 8, the weather in most of the northern wheat harvest areas was fine and favorable for winter wheat to mature and dry. Winter wheat in Northwest and North China

    2016-01-10 In the north it is sunny fine weather favorable speed up wheat harvest progress wheat harvest.
  • The succulent plants on the sunny little windowsill began to be colored

    The succulent plants on the sunny little windowsill began to be colored

    Thank you for the yunyun223 material. The sun came out early in the morning when the weather was fine. Take a few pictures before you go to work while the light is good. The weather is fine today and the sun has come out early in the morning. Take some pictures before you go to work while the light is good! Today.

  • In the next three days, the weather in most agricultural areas across the country will be sunny and good for autumn harvest and autumn planting.

    In the next three days, the weather in most agricultural areas across the country will be sunny and good for autumn harvest and autumn planting.

    The progress of the national autumn harvest is faster than that of the previous period. It is expected that in the next three days, most of the country will be dominated by fine weather, which is suitable for autumn harvest and autumn planting. However, there is a continuous deviation of soil moisture in the southern part of North China and the northern part of Huang-Huai River, and there is more overcast and rainy weather in the south of southwest China. At present, the national autumn harvest noodles

    2016-01-10 In the future three days the whole country most of the agricultural areas the weather sunny favorable
  • Nearly 40% of winter rape was sown in 2015.

    Nearly 40% of winter rape was sown in 2015.

    The progress of the national autumn harvest is faster than that of the previous period. It is expected that in the next three days, most of the country will be dominated by fine weather, which is suitable for autumn harvest and autumn planting. However, there is a continuous deviation of soil moisture in the southern part of North China and the northern part of Huang-Huai River, and there is more overcast and rainy weather in the south of southwest China. At present, the national autumn harvest noodles

    2016-01-10 In 2015 the whole country winter rape has sowed nearly 40%
  • The weather is fine in most parts of northern China to facilitate the filling and ripening of autumn harvest crops.

    The weather is fine in most parts of northern China to facilitate the filling and ripening of autumn harvest crops.

    The reporter learned from the national agrometeorological information released by the Central Meteorological Observatory of the China Meteorological Administration on September 6 that most of the southeastern and southwestern regions of Northwest China had heavy rainfall this week, which was not conducive to the harvest of mature crops. Sunny weather is dominant in most of the agricultural areas in the north and in the east.

    2016-01-10 China the north most of the weather sunny benefit autumn harvest crops grouting
  • The choice of soil

    The choice of soil

    The choice of soil

  • Affected by weather, the yield of small-leaf black tea in Chiayi tea area decreased.

    Affected by weather, the yield of small-leaf black tea in Chiayi tea area decreased.

    The Chiayi County government commissioned the Meishan Township Farmers' Association to hold the 2021 fine tea competition for leaflet black tea in Chiayi County. This year, due to climate change and the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic, tea farmers in the Great Alishan area paid a total of 152 points, more than 10% less than last year, and black tea as a whole.

    2021-09-03 Affected by weather Chiayi tea area lobule species black tea output
  • Wheat weeding time, when is the right time to administer medicine

    Wheat weeding time, when is the right time to administer medicine

    Weeding for wheat is generally chosen from turning green to before jointing, that is, from late February to mid-March. Before taking medicine, we should first observe the local weather forecast and choose sunny weather without rain, snow and strong wind. The daily average temperature is stable at 6 ℃-10 ℃, at 10:00

    2020-11-08 Wheat weeding time when medication appropriate summary to
  • Nearly 90% of the autumn harvest in the country, nearly 80% of the winter wheat is sown.

    Nearly 90% of the autumn harvest in the country, nearly 80% of the winter wheat is sown.

    Since the beginning of autumn this year, the weather in most parts of the country has been fine, the temperature is high, and the soil moisture is suitable, which is conducive to the harvest and drying of autumn grain and the sowing of wheat and rape. All localities conscientiously implement the spirit of the national video conference on autumn and winter planting work, seize the favorable weather, and intensify their work.

    2016-01-10 Nationwide autumn harvest nearly 90% winter wheat sowing 80% this year
  • Manage the mushroom bed in winter and have a high yield of mushrooms in spring

    Manage the mushroom bed in winter and have a high yield of mushrooms in spring

    If the autumn mushroom is no longer heated to produce winter mushroom after harvest, the mushroom bed will enter the winter management stage. The management of mushroom bed in winter has a great influence on the mushroom yield in the coming spring. Heat preservation and ventilation keep the temperature of the mushroom room above 3 ℃ in winter to keep the room from freezing and prevent the hyphae from freezing. Before entering the winter, check the four walls of the mushroom room one by one, plug the air leakage, and hang curtains on the doors and windows to prevent the cold wind from invading. Pay attention to ventilation in warm weather and keep the indoor air fresh. Open the south window of the mushroom room for 2-3 hours at noon. When the weather is warm and windless and the outdoor temperature is above 8 ℃, hit both the north and south windows.

  • Typhoon Jasmine became even more fierce after the cold wave in Guangdong.

    Typhoon Jasmine became even more fierce after the cold wave in Guangdong.

    Typhoon Jasmine became even more fierce after the cold wave in Guangdong.

  • Production of potato jam

    Production of potato jam

    Frozen spinach can be divided into ordinary frozen storage and ventilation cool storage two kinds. (1) Ordinary frozen storage method Select a shady and dry place, set up shade barriers along the east and west direction, dig one or several ditches in the shade area on the north side of the barrier, the specifications vary according to regional climate conditions, the depth of the ditch in Beijing is about 15 cm, the width depends on the size and number of spinach placed, generally about 30 cm, and then spread a layer of fine sand at the bottom of the ditch. When the temperature drops below 0℃, the spinach is tied into a bundle, and then covered with a layer of fine sand. As the weather gets colder, soil covering by stages

  • The fruit of litchi and longan should be preserved early.

    The fruit of litchi and longan should be preserved early.

    Litchi downy blight mainly harms the flower ear and fruit, causing the flower ear to dry, the young fruit to fall off, and the mature fruit to rot and deteriorate. After the temperature rises in early spring, it first infects the flower ear, and then infects the young fruit and ripe fruit. If the occurrence and infection of the disease cannot be controlled before flowering, it will suffer on young and mature fruits.

  • Poor adaptability management of young buds requires fine winter planting of Lentinus edodes to prevent mushroom bud wilting

    Poor adaptability management of young buds requires fine winter planting of Lentinus edodes to prevent mushroom bud wilting

    Poor adaptability management of young buds requires fine winter planting of Lentinus edodes to prevent mushroom bud wilting

  • How to grow soybeans and when to plant them

    How to grow soybeans and when to plant them

    Ploughing and soil preparation: after harvesting vegetables, ploughing the soil in sunny weather and opening ditches according to the width of 2-3 meters after ploughing. Seed selection and disinfection: select high-quality seeds and mix them evenly with elixir powder. Prepare for planting: turn over the soil, water once 2 days before planting, use

    2020-11-08 Soybeans how planting method what time interplanting abstract ploughing
  • How to grow corn scientifically?

    How to grow corn scientifically?

    How to grow corn scientifically? Please introduce that corn contains a large amount of lecithin, linoleic acid, glutamol, vitamin E, long-term consumption can effectively reduce serum and cholesterol, reduce the incidence of hypertension and arteriosclerosis, and delay cell aging and brain function degradation. There are anticancer factors in corn.

  • Land selection and preparation of Angelica sinensis

    Land selection and preparation of Angelica sinensis

    The main results are as follows: 1. According to the growth habits of Angelica sinensis seedlings, we choose the land surrounded by mountains, loose, fertile soil, high humus content, leeward, short light time, cool and moist land to raise seedlings. Angelica sinensis seeds are small, bud top soil strength is weak, so it is necessary to fine soil preparation in order to ensure normal seedling emergence. Ploughing the soil in the first year to make the soil fully weathered, it is best to turn the soil three times from April to May of that year. The first and second turning depth is 24cm 30cm, and the third shallow turning is 915cm. Dry and burn the weeds, spread and turn them over.

  • Maintenance method of Sabina vulgaris bonsai

    Maintenance method of Sabina vulgaris bonsai

    Ground cypress, also known as cypress, climbing cypress. Belongs to the cypress family, the genus Sabina. Evergrape shrubs. Because of its twisted dry diameter, fine branches and strong adaptability. Easy to shape and other features are loved by the majority of bonsai lovers. The branches and leaves of the cypress are green and meandering, suitable for viewing in all seasons.

  • Introduction and cultivation techniques of Dioscorea zingiberensis No. 2 in Dean County, Jiangxi Province

    Introduction and cultivation techniques of Dioscorea zingiberensis No. 2 in Dean County, Jiangxi Province

    Introduction and cultivation technique of purple yam Su Dioscorea zingiberensis No. 2 in Dean County, Jiangxi Province, Su Dioscorea zingiberensis No. 2 is a combination of Xuzhou Agricultural Science Research Institute and Economic crop Research Institute of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, using the method of radiation breeding of Zhejiang Taihu Lake Purple Medicine.

  • Control methods of Blight of Begonia in four Seasons

    Control methods of Blight of Begonia in four Seasons

    The blight of Begonia in four seasons is a common disease of Begonia in four seasons, which occurs in flower farms and family potted crabapple. It mainly harms the leaves at the base of the stem and near the soil surface. In the early stage of the disease, the base of the stem near the soil was infected with dark spots, which became brown and rotten after expansion. Dark green watery round spot caused by leaf infection
